Antipods (Debate)


Category: Literary (Individual)

Venue: LHC Seminar Hall 1

Scope: Intra

Date: 25th April, 2024

Registration amount: ₹ Nil

Registration link: Link

Rules and Regulations

  • Each team will have 1 participant.
  • The motions will be released a day before the event. Of the motions that are released, participants can choose one among them and prepare for both the sides i.e. for and against.
  • Each participant must speak for the motion or speak against the motion. This will be assigned to you on the spot by the judges.
  • Each participant will have 3 minutes to deliver their case. Another minute will be given to the opposition to question them.
  • The judge’s ruling is final and participants will have to abide by it

Event Coordinators

  • Aarib - 9108984730
  • Bhavik - 6360397775