Act Mania (Acting Arena)


Category: Theatre (Team of 1-3)

Venue: ESB Seminar Hall 1

Scope: Intra

Date: 27th April, 2024

Registration amount: ₹ Nil

Registration link: Link


Acting is a beautiful art where an artist lives the character of the story to entertain the audience.
Acting Arena is a great platform providing you the opportunity to bring out the talented actors in you. Participants are expected to exhibit their own acting performance, followed by an impromptu.

Rules and Regulations

  • Each team should consist of 1-3 members
  • Event consists of 2 Rounds
  • • Round – 1 : Participants need to act for their own story/situation for duration of 3-5 minutes.Certain teams will be selected based on judges decision.
    Round – 2 : Impromptu, Participants need to act for the situation given on the spot.
  • Be on time.
  • Properties if required are to be brought by the participants.
  • Be loud and clear while performin
  • Performances to be done in Kannada, English, Hindi languages only
  • Decisions of the judges are final